
Seeking sponsored research program managers, directors for 1 hr. phone interview in 2 weeks, $20.00 gift card.

By Michelle Sare posted Mon September 28, 2020 12:56


Would you be interested in participating in an interview to provide your budget strategy perspectives to help universities through fiscal challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic?  I am kindly requesting volunteers in a doctoral research study to explore strategies used by research program budget leaders such as grant budget leaders, grant managers, and directors of sponsored research programs to address fiscal stability during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Research program budget leaders (i.e. grant managers, research administrative leaders, directors or managers of sponsored research programs)
  • Has served in their leadership role during COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Work for research intensive university.

 The study involves completing a 45-60-minute interview via your mode of preference either audio-recorded phone, Zoom or Skype call.  Participation is completely voluntary, and you may withdraw from the study at any time.  An optional follow-up interview which may take 10-15 minutes maybe asked. 


The study is confidential; your name and any other identifying information will not be published or released.  This study is being conducted by a researcher named Michelle Sare, who is a doctoral student at Walden University.  You might already know the researcher as a colleague in the field of sponsored programs or contracts and grants administration, but this study is separate from that role.


If you are interested in participating in the study, please email and I will coordinate available times for the interview.  After the interview,  a small gift of $20.00 e-gift card will be provided. 


Your participation in the research will contribute to a better understanding of how university leaders can help provide financial stability during the COVID-19 pandemic.  


Thank you for your time and participation.



Michelle Sare, M.A.

(213) 448-3667 (accepting text messages)

Doctoral Student, Walden University 


