Research Management Review Author Description
The National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) welcomes contributions of original manuscripts to the Research Management Review (RMR) covering any aspect of research administration. The RMR is published semi-annually. We are interested in well-written, thoughtful pieces covering current national or international issues in one of the following formats:
Articles are full-length research/technical papers of value and interest to the journal readership. They must be original reviews of past practice, present information of current interest, or probe new areas. Articles are generally five to ten pages in length and include an abstract.
Notes are short research/technical papers that present original, practical information such as the preliminary or partial results of research or concisely presented final research results. Notes are generally two to three pages in length.
Forums are thought-provoking opinion pieces or essays founded in fact but sometimes speculative, on a topic of general interest and relevance to the readership of the journal. The purpose of a forum is to stimulate discussion. Forums are usually two to five pages in length.
Case Studies
Case studies describe a method or application that illustrates a new or existing principle or presents an innovative way to solve a problem. Ideally, results should have broad implications and not be specific to only the case presented. Case studies range from four to ten pages in length.
Editorials are brief opinion pieces, normally written by the journal editor, concerning the scope, content, direction, or philosophy of the journal or a relevant policy issue. Editorials are occasionally invited. Contributions are usually short, not exceeding one or two pages in length.
Editor’s Notes
Editor’s notes are casual communications. They may briefly summarize content in a journal issue, report on the status of the journal and include announcements of general interest to the readership. An editor’s note is brief and generally one page in length.
Book Reviews
Book reviews evaluate new books whose content is relevant to the field of research administration. They summarize the book and highlight its strengths and weaknesses. Reviews are limited to one to two pages and are usually written upon request by the editor.
Note on format: The first few sentences of a book review contains the following information: book title, author(s)/editor(s), publication year, publisher and publisher address, ISBN, price in U.S. dollars, and total number of pages. The reviewer’s name and affiliation must also be provided.
Manuscript Submission
We accept submissions at any time in electronic format. Electronic submissions should be emailed as one Word document file, along with any corresponding graphic files, to Editor Aimee Kendall Roundtree. Submissions should include an email message or a cover letter that contains the author’s e-mail address, physical address and daytime phone number. Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged via e-mail.
Manuscript Review
Each manuscript submitted will be reviewed by the RMR Editorial Board. Reviews generally will be completed within 2-4 weeks of manuscript submission. A decision to accept or reject a submission will then be communicated to the corresponding author via email.
Manuscript Preparation
Title – Title should adequately convey the subject of the manuscript.
Authors and Affiliations – All authors and their affiliations should be listed. If a manuscript has several authors from different institutions, use superscript numerals for identification; provide a full valid street address or PO Box for each institution; include email address for each author; use an asterisk * to refer to the corresponding author.
Abstract – All contributions must be preceded by a brief, concise abstract (100-200 words). The abstract should outline the scope of the paper, and highlight its main results and conclusions.
Main Body of Text – Pages should be numbered consecutively, 12 point font size, 1 inch margins all around, left-justified, double spaced, no footnotes.
Tables – Tables should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text, using Arabic numerals, preceded by the word "Table." All tables should have an appropriate title that adequately describes the information contained therein. Table numbers and titles should be placed at the top of each table. Tables should be submitted as part of the manuscript file (i.e. a Word document file) at the end of the manuscript, after the literature cited.
Figures – Figures should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text, using Arabic numerals preceded by the word "Figure." All figures should have an appropriate title that adequately describes the information presented. Figure numbers and titles should be placed at the bottom of each figure.
All figures should be submitted as .gif files or .jpg files, and may be imbedded within the main body of the text. However, an additional separate electronic file of each figure is also required. The Editor reserves the right to reject graphics that will not reproduce with appropriate clarity and quality in the RMR format.
Literature Cited – Citations should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text, using Arabic numerals, and listed at the end of the manuscript. Use the following format:
Public Document. Division issuing the document, Title, Author - if given, Report No. (City: Publisher - if different from the issuing division, year) pages (as xx-yy).
Periodical or Journal. Author's last name, initials (year of publication). "Article Title," Periodical Name, volume (number), pages.
Book. Author's last name, initials (year of publication). Title (City: Publisher), pages.
WWW Citations. Add the full URL for the internet citation.
Acknowledgements – optional.
Please submit your work at any time in electronic format to Editor Aimee Kendall Roundtree. Submissions should include an email message or a cover letter that contains the author’s e-mail address, physical address and daytime phone number. Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged via e-mail.