Please send articles, podcasts and videos that you would like considered to be published in the Resource Center to Send your article in a word document so we can easily post as html. Include an author’s photo, a short bio and what section(s) you would like to see your article published in. Podcasts and videos should be no longer than seven (7) minutes in length. Note: A single submission may appear in up to three (3) of the eight topical areas below. Submissions will be reviewed by the appropriate committee and confirmation sent back to you. Sections include:
Compliance: Federal Regulations; Government Relations; Clinical/Research Trials; Policy Development; IRB; IACUC; Biosafety; Export Controls; Conflict of Interest; Responsible Conduct of Research; Laboratory Safety; Data Stewardship
Contract Management: Non-Federal and Industry Contracting; Negotiation and Acceptance; Intellectual Property; Technology Transfer; Non-Disclosure Agreements; Material Transfer Agreements
Electronic Research Administration: Web Management; Electronic Systems; Database Management; Metrics and Reporting
Financial Management: Federal; Post-Award; Property/Space; Audit; Effort Reporting; F&A; Sub-Award Monitoring
Human Capital: Senior; Professional Development; Leadership; Supervision; Education and Training; Mentoring; Wellness
International: Collaborations; Legal Issues
Pre-Award: Research and Proposal Development; Proposal Writing; Proposal Submission; Federal; Non-Federal
Recipient Specific: PUI; Medical; HBCU; Land Grants
Contact Tara Bishop, NCURA, or Rana Abouelhgag, NCURA,
Tara Bishop
1015 18th Street, NW, Suite 901Washington, DC 20036Phone: 202.466.3894Fax: 202.223.5573Email:
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