National Officer - Vice President/President-Elect

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Signup Deadline: 04-22-2016
Starts: 01-01-2017
Ends: 12-31-2017
Location: Online Opportunity


Board of Directors, Executive Committee

The Vice President assists the President as directed by the President and performs the duties of the President when the President cannot. The Vice President is the Board Member to whom the Chair(s) of the annual meeting program committee report. The Vice President/President Elect serves a total of three years: the first as the Vice President/President Elect, the second as President, and a final year as the Immediate Past President.

One calendar year
Total Commitment: 3 Years

A. Function of Position - The Vice President works with the Executive Committee and Board in development and implementation of programs and policies that support the mission of NCURA.

B. Essential Duties and Responsibilities & % Time Devoted
- Much of the Board's and Executive Committee's work is accomplished through e-mail and telephone communication, and this can average approximately one day a week. Additional time is spent on meetings of the Board, Executive Committee and require travel on an average of a few days every other month.

C. Qualifications/Requirements

    1. Knowledge and/or Skills - A comprehensive understanding of the mission, goals and structure of NCURA; ability to listen to, and understand, varying points of view; commitment to the professional development of NCURA's members.
    2. Education and/or Experience - Significant education and experience in the field of research administration, sufficient to support promotion of the goals and objectives of NCURA as a professional organization in the field of research administration.
    3. Membership Status – Must hold a Current Regular Member Status

D. Training and Support - Support is available from the NCURA office, especially its Executive and Associate Executive Directors.

E. Additional Information
(Benefits, Cost Reimbursement, Travel Requirements, etc) - NCURA reimburses all travel and incidental expenses related to NCURA business, including travel costs incurred when the VP is traveling on behalf of the NCURA President. In addition, Annual Meeting registration and lodging are covered by NCURA. Also the VP's university office is reimbursed $500 in miscellaneous office expense related to the VP's activities for NCURA. (e.g., phone calls).

NCURA Awards: Current National officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) and current NCURA Standing Committee (FMC, NLDC and PDC) Chairs and Vice Chairs are ineligible for nomination for an NCURA Outstanding Achievement in Research Administration Award or for a Distinguished Service Award.

All nominations and supporting materials (listed below) from the nominees must be received electronically on or before April 22, 2016. Send nominations to:

Submission materials:

  • Nomination letter (if not self-nominated)
  • Statement of up to three pages, single spaced, by the nominee that provides:
    • Why the nominee wishes to serve as Vice President/President Elect
    • Description of experience that qualifies the nominee for leadership in NCURA
    • An outline of the nominee’s overall vision for NCURA and his/her specific goals/objectives as they pertain to NCURA’s overall strategic goals and what areas he/she would choose to concentrate on in order to achieve NCURA’s goals. All candidates should be familiar with the NCURA Board of Directors’ strategic goals located at
  • Current vitae/resume including one page that summarizes NCURA activities/service at both the regional and national levels, including elected and appointed positions, presentations, workshops, etc.
  • Up to three letters (in addition to the nomination letter) of support from other NCURA members

Volunteers Needed:

30 (30 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary


Emily Ainsworth